Sunday, May 5, 2013

Courage and Bravery..Life Book 2013

Today I finished one more of my Life Book 2013 pages. It is not a favorite but it is finished ...Each month we have a theme and the second month is "Celebration and Courage" My first one for this month of courage is inspired by an incident that happened to me when I was not more then 10 or so years of age. All of us kids who lived by my grand parents at the time were out playing in the garden area. My uncle who is 4 years older then me and a bully took a large grasshopper and put it down my neck. It was under my tee shirt and I could not get it out and panicked and could not get my shirt off either. Just thinking about it makes me feel panicky. My uncle thought it was so funny. The picture I did is a child running from a grasshopper and a giant eagle getting ready to swoop down  and eat the insect...That eagle represents my courage

For my second page of this month of courage and bravery I created three images on a page to represent the three 'me's. There is the eternally young 'me' who always forget I am not a teenager any more and take on many things I am physically unable to do.Like roller skate again after 50 plus years of not being on skates It is hard to admit that we are growing older but I hope to remain young at heart if not body for ever..

Then there is the  stubborn 'me'. The person who does not ever want to give up or admit I am wrong when I spend over $300 dollars on skates and never got to use them more then a couple of tries. But I have used my stubbornness for many good reasons.  Completing something when told I could'n't or having fun at being an artist when I was always told I was not good enough.

Last is the elegant 'me'. This is the me I am in my head and heart but not my body. Tall and slim and elegant and always in control. Never being flustered when having to meet strangers, leading a meeting or trying to get a task done in a timely manner.

Those are just a couple of examples of the three 'me(s)'. There are so many more but not enough space or time to list them. There are more pages to come for this month of bravery and I will post them on here when finished.

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