
Sunday, March 9, 2014


On  February 19th I started a statue that has been percolating in my head ever since I glimpsed one in Ruth's back yard. I am using that for my inspiration though I could never begin to compare the two. Hers is done by a real artist and mine is being done with no idea of where I am going, only that I want to get there...

I started out by making a form out of chicken wire then filling the whole thing with wadded up newspaper...this will help me shape it.

Then I cut a piece of styrofoam from a cooler box lid and fashioned a bottom for her...needed to do this to keep all the newspapers from falling out the bottom

The second day I finished the rough shape, added some breast using a couple of cheap paper mache bowls I bought some where. They were the perfect size "D" cup so I used wire to hold them in place until I could get the plaster on them. You can see the styrofoam bottom  in this picture.

After all that was done I had time yet to work so added some plaster using linen scrim from an old curtain and some dry plaster of paris. I had planned to use Rigid Wrap as I usually do but decided to try making my own by using strips of the fabric and very wet plaster mixture. After a couple of trials I found the best way was to dip the moist fabric in the wet plaster and then treat it just as I would the Rigid Wrap. This is a very economical way to do it so glad I tried it. 

March 3...Today I added more bulk to the bottom and some plaster to hollow spots..Tomorrow I think I am going to add a suggestion of arms to the figure before I start the concrete layer...otherwise it is ready for the first layer of concrete.

March 10th...Added one more layer of plaster to her today...filled in some of the hollow more day of plaster to smooth her out a tad and I will then start the concrete layers...

Unfinished bottom

Finished bottom

March 14th...turned her over and covered the bottom with concrete mixture to seal it.

March 21st...Looking good!  Here is the  bust covered with one layer of concrete. After applying I used a soft brush to go over the whole figure to smooth out some of the rough edges from the trowel. When it drys I will go over it again with a thin layer of thinset brushed on so I make sure to get all the little pin holes filled. Next step is painting it with a sealer made up of water and Elmer's glue

March 22nd...Today I took a chance on it not raining and between clouds I got the bottom sealed good and put a light coat on the whole body covering up many little cracks and pin holes...On Sunday morning if it is dry out I will put a sealer on it and then it will be ready to start the mosaic

March 24th..The weather got damp and chilly so I moved everything into my garagio to  be able to work each day regardless of finally on Tuesday I got the mosaic started.

March 25th...Today I finished the face 

March 26th...Made good progress today...I have a few larger spaces to fill in but will do all of it at one time...easier that way.

Left side
Right side

March 27th...Finished a little more on is slow going when I am not sure what I want to do but here is what happened today...Not exactly what I envisioned but it will have to be late to change it but I did learn a little more about cutting and fitting.

March 29 - April 4...I decided her front was pretty busy so making the rest of it less cluttered...Used river rocks on the bottom to denote bottom of ocean bed and added a few sea shells to fill in gaps and add interest...trying to make the water in waves but not having much luck at it...Need to be able to cut better plus I do not have a lot of white tiles to work with...also filled in some of the larger gaps with tiny rocks...I like the rocks on bottom...Hope I have them anchored good.

Finished front

Decided I wanted a tree so broke a plate to make one going up her spine. It is The Tree Of Life and has a meadow of grass around it and below it with yellow flowers blooming throughout

Plate I used for tree

Then I added an orange and yellow sunrise with the sun rising over a lake. 

Added the flower just for fun
Here are photos of the last side with a mermaid added along with mountains and water..I also extended the sunset to the mermaid side..I think it is finished now and just needs the grout and sealer.

Here is my finished statue which has a new name thanks for a friend on FB...she is now called Pixelated Woman

Finished and sitting in place in the garden!

My 'garagio'


  1. Very, very nice. Every aspect of Woman is a surprise every time I see it. I watched her grow and every step along the way surprised me. Now that she's there, she's a surprise everywhere. Congratulations. Beautiful.

    1. Thank you Tj...she has become a surprise to me as well...I am most pleased with her and hopefully tomorrow I will get the grout done or at part of it...I want to get her set up in the garden some place...
