
Sunday, July 20, 2014


The finished piece


I decided it was way too long since I started a new art project. Plus I was inspired after reading Tj's blog to use some saved things from a while back..Here they are.

A piece of bark

A knot

A very large leaf

All of these things I picked up on various trips around Florida and they will be mounted on the found plywood cut from scraps left from other projects...Then connected to form a vertical triptik

Next step is to decide how to finished the base of plywood and how to stabilize the bark which is very fragile

The fronts of the boards are stained with Golden acrylic translucent paint..I first used Transparent Red Iron Oxide then a coat of Quinacridone/Nickel Azo Gold to take away the redness and give more depth.  I may go over it again with the Red Iron Oxide.

The edges of the boards were burned and the backs  painted black as well as the narrow edge after burning to give a good finish.

The bark has been painted with several coats of a water base varnish on both front and back. It is still flexible but not so fragile plus it brought out some beautiful detail.

The knot also has several coats of varnish on it 

The leaf has a coat of varnish and was then dipped in melted encaustic wax to preserve it. I did all of this when I first got the leaf several years ago and it seems to be holding up good.

Below is a photo of all three items to give perspective...Nothing is mounted yet...that will come later..I am pretty sure they are going to be hung vertically with leather used for hinges between them...will give it a try and see how it looks...


Here I have all three pieces mounted using a hot glue gun. Then the leather straps, rough side against the wood so it will adhere using E-6000 glue.  

I have it hung and will look at it for a few days. I may decide to put the smallest piece with the knot on the top. It seems to get lost on the bottom...

I looked at it all weekend and finally came to the conclusion it needed to be changed by simply putting the smallest piece on top...
Consequently it acquired a new name..
Now I am happy with both the name and the art and I can call it 


  1. Really nice, Darlene. I agree, the little one goes on top. Outside, a mess of crows are squawking like crazy in the woods across the road. They must have spotted a predator they're chasing out of their territory. Jack went to the corner of the fence to see if he could make out what was going on. Couldn't see what it was, and walked away. The crows are really hollering. Possibly a fox or bobcat. Sounds like at least a dozen crows. Whatever they're tormenting doesn't seem to be going anyplace. Sounds like the trees above whatever it is are black with jeering crows.

  2. This is just as exciting to me as Tj's piece, Darlene! I completely agree that the small piece needed to be on top. Thanks for sharing all the details…it adds to my pool of ideas for sure!
