
Saturday, November 22, 2014


Russian Salmon Pie
We are hosting an early Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow and my grand daughter Liz came over to give me a hand getting all the food ready. Liz loves to cook and is a great helper in the kitchen. Normally we have a potluck dinner with the host providing the main course but for some reason I felt like doing the whole thing.

Brandied Orange and Cranberry Sauce
We are having a traditional turkey dinner with dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy and southern green beans, deviled eggs, cranberry sauce and biscuits and of course pumpkin pies with whipped cream.So today was spent getting as much done as possible leaving only a few odds and ends to finish up tomorrow  morning. The turkey is in the brine solution, cranberry sauce is made, eggs are boiled and peeled and pies ready to cut and serve.

 In the process of doing all of this we, or rather I decided to have Liz make a Russian pie for dinner tonight. was yummy!

1 comment:

  1. What a warm wonderful life you lead my friend Darlene! The richness you bring into your life with your creativity touches my soul! I'm so glad you are here and sharing our life on the internet!
