
Sunday, December 2, 2012

10 Ornaments

Today I made great strides on getting my 10 book ornaments finished. All of the fronts and backs of the books are made and baked. I have two different on pink  for the girls and white on green for the boys. I love the abstract design on the fronts. I started out cutting in s precise pattern to add to the front but in doing it I decided liked the way the ragged edge looked so tried it on one. Loved it! So took the pink colored ones that I had already done and changed them to have the abstract look. I am not sure yet what I am going to do to the fronts if anything...I kind of like looking at the design and imagining what it represents. It is like laying on the ground and finding figures in the clouds. On  my ornaments I see bonsai trees, snow covered mountains and any number of images. Maybe some broccoli on one and a face on another. I have time to decide if I am doing any other embellishment on the front.

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