
Friday, March 29, 2013

Goals and Intentions..Life Book 2013

I am always amazed when I look at my blog and see how many days/weeks have passed since I last wrote. I always have good intentions but as I was told for many years growing up…”The road to hell is fraught with good intentions.”…so guess I best get busy…

In January I started a new art adventure with Tam on Willowing.ning. It is Life Book 2013 and consists of a class a week being taught by different artist. I am just now getting a decent start on catching up. We have received 12 weeks, or maybe it is 13 by now, of classes and I am up to number 5 completed just today. It is a lot of fun once I get started on a class and I am learning to use some of the many art supplies I have and learning to spread my wings and try different things…working outside my comfort zone. When I do art I tend to follow the rules and have a hard time veering off…it is that right side/left side working at opposing ends of the spectrum. I have to be messy  in my art doing things I would never have thought of before…mixing up mediums and techniques, covering all or some of the mess up and adding to it with other techniques and methods until eventually I have a piece I like…Some of them are better then others but all of them will be bound  into my Life Book 2013. Here are the first 5 classes on celebrating our goals and intentions.

In the first part of my first class is to create my "Fairy Art Mother. She will guide me forward through the coming months and is done with a combination of water soluble crayons and pencils both of which I have had for a few years but never really knew how to use them. Now I have and love them. I put a hat on my Fairy Art Mother because of my fight with basal cell carcinoma on my face. I have had 7 surgery and do not want any more thought I feel it is imminent. I have her standing on top of the world so she knows I am strong!

The second part of my first class is to create a vehicle to take my life's journey in and to list my goals and blessings. I love flying in small air craft and one of my favorite gifts from my children was an hour rid in a WW I vintage replica biplane like the Red Baron has in the Snoopy cartoon...and of course I had to have a white scarf. 

The sun flowers are my favorite flower so I used them to list my goals for this journey and the clouds have my blessings written on them.And I am ready to take off!
Again this page was done with water soluble pencil and crayons

My next class was on 'rebirth and renewal. In this class we were to write down on our paper all of the negative thoughts and feelings we have and then we covered the page with a combination of paint, scribbles and what ever we most felt like doing.The we learned how to make flowers using recycled papers and aluminum foil . This was our rebirth and renewal

This grand lady with the birds perched on her arms is holding some of my life's goals and intentions. We were to make a symbol of a person any way we wanted and since I had just traveled to San Francisco and walked the entire bridge from the south end to the north end and back again it was the perfect symbol to represent my goals and intentions. Each of the birds perched on the cables holding the bridge up is holding an intention or goal for me. On the top is my goal for the year. To be compassionate and have wisdom.

Now we come to the game of life. This lesson was to make a game with the ultimate finish being one of our most prized goal. I love the mountains and hiking so made a game of a the ultimate hike. I start at the bottom in a nice valley with 'exercise' being my goal.  I never get enough exercise so it is always on my mind. Each time I come to an obstacle I draw a card and the clue on the card will help me over come the obstacle. Each card will work on each obstacle. My obstacles include a river to cross, rock slide, pack of wolves, waterfall in the path and a snow storm. My clues are creativity, perseverance  ambition, courage and determination. The front of the card has the word and the back f the card has the word and dictionary definition...When I reach to top the finish line says "Good Health'.

I have chosen 'exercise' as one of
  my goals for the year and as I come
 to obstacles I have key words to
 help me get over them which are printed
 on the cards with the dictionary
 meaning printed along with the word.
 To my art work  I have added many quotes
 I like along with some inspirational words..
It was a fun exercise.
Game cards..front side

Game cards ..back side

This is a 'bonus class we did with Dion Dior.

"We have the vague intuition of a light that burns within us and which spreads out and is diffused. In this light, our whole personalities are concentrated in development and journey."
~Dion Dior

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