Saturday, December 1, 2012


Today I got my mini books started. I was able to use up a lot of polymer clay that had been hanging around for years. I had enough to make one of the covers for each of the 6  boys in one color and both covers for the 4 girls in a girly color. I still need to make the other cover for each of the boys books. The girls are done as far as covers go. Unless I decide  to make them a tad different...Now tomorrow I will get the covers finished and baked. The hardest part of the whole thing is to get  the front cover embellished. I am not sure I know what I am going to do with them yet but an idea will come to me soon.

I also signed up for my Life Class that I am going to take starting in January. I am very excited about it. I will be learning a lot of new paint, drawing and writing techniques and using a lot of new tools and mediums in the process. When I did the free class from the 'willow and friends' site I learned so much about using my water color pencils and crayons. I have not started the second class yet but will get to it when I get my ornaments finished. I also have the Mandela class down loaded so I want to get started on that soon. I bought myself a brand new protractor to make it easier.

Monday will be the last class I teach with the sewing group I have. It has been ongoing for only a year but it is time to move on. I will miss the gals coming over once a month but will not miss the time I spend preparing the class and then getting set up for it.

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